What is a Funeral Celebrant?

A funeral celebrant is someone who creates and conducts funeral ceremonies or services. In very simple terms, they are responsible for writing the content for the service and are usually the person at the front of the funeral ceremony doing most of the talking.

As a professional Funeral Celebrant, I consider it an enormous privilege to support bereaved families, learn about the unique characteristics, values and personality of their loved one and use this to construct a bespoke eulogy and funeral service which is unique to that individual. A funeral often feels like the last public act of love to celebrate a deceased person’s life and I consider it an absolute honour to help families in this important task.

Although the service may be a civil one, religious content such as hymns and prayers or spiritual themes can be included, if you wish. The most important thing is that the service reflects your wishes and those of your loved one.

As your funeral celebrant, I will:

  • Support you from the first meeting to the end of the service

  • Ensure that your wishes and those of the family are carried out

  • Guide you through the day of the service, during a difficult and emotional time

  • Prepare the eulogy together in collaboration with you so it is a genuine reflection of the deceased

  • Ensure that the service is time sensitive and does not feel rushed.

    Find out more using the link below:

    How do I work?>

 Contact Karen

  • karen@krfuneralcelebrant.co.uk

  • 0779 1979326